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Assessment, Heuristics and Norms
שכחום וחזרו ויסדום
כיצד משחזרים מסורת שאבדה ? סוגיית המעשרות בשביעית בעמון ומואב
שכל של תורה
מהו היחס בין תורה לנבואה?
שלושה מימדים
עצמאי, מסחרי ואחריותי
Rules of the game – within and outside the box
האם חוקיות של מערכות, אופן התנהגותן, משתנה במימדים השונים שהיא נבדקת ובקני המידה השונים?
Family and the Holocaust
How can Family help examine the holocaust?
Realism vs. Spirit
What are the implications of adopting a realistic approach about the religion?
Consumption of Industrial meat
The Conflict is the Solution- Part 2
How science has evolved accepts unrational principles?
Religion and Science- The Conflict is the Solution
The role of the conflicts between the religion and science
Blessing in Genesis
Halachic mesoscopic
Ethics Vs Law
Is ethics and Jewish law are the same?
law or morality
From exploration to legislation
How to establish laws based on ancient customs? Whether it is better to rely about the revaluation of quantitative data or qualitative concept?
What is between the moral language and legal language?
Medicine and halacha
What is the status of the doctor facing a patient according to Halacha?
Technology, knowledge and experience
What is more certainly: experience, senses or knowing?
Creativity and legislation
What is the the right control during operation of law and legislation creativity?
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