
Beracha | עמוד דיון

יש להתחבר למערכת בכדי לצפות בעמוד זה

ראשי פרקים

Our hermenoitics  assumptions


The Abimelech -Sarah story


תגובות אחרונות

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רולי בלפר
13.01.2017 12:05

Am I right in reducing the modes of reading  you disapprove  of as being overly influenced by past systems of reading, their imprinting on us, preconceived Ideas etc?

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הרב שבתי רפפורט
2.12.2016 10:04
We should not explain the Genesis stories as depicting human weaknesses and apologizing for these by saying that either a. This Patriarch or Matriarch did not behave well according to our standards, b. adding words, phrases or full verses to the text in order to edit the story and justify the actions or speeches described, or c. claiming that the story should be treated as a whole, directed by God in order to achieve a Divine purpose.

Genesis stories, are the Divine revelation to make us better people.We should not impose our ethics and moral concepts . This way we learnt nothing, and Genesis cannot change or educate us.

We should examine every verse as is, not edit it, and not ignore it. and  search for the incremental teaching  and not try to cover these up,

We learn from conflicts, from the disharmony between our ethical values and the Divine Word, not giving up either – but trying to fuse them together making  reading the Bible a worthy effort.


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